2315 Bristol Circle, Oakville, ON, L6H 6P8

What is the Medical Exams Process for Visitors, Students and Workers?

Jan 27, 2022

Visitors, students and workers who plan on staying in Canada for less than six months generally don’t need to do a medical exam, unless they will study or work in certain fields such as health care fields. Visitors, Students and workers who plan to stay in Canada for more than six months need a medical exam if any one of the followings apply to them:

Only a panel physician (Immigration Doctor) can do medical exam, and only a Panel Physician is authorized to submit the results of the medical exams to Immigration Canada (IRCC). Applicant’s own family doctor or any doctor who is not empanelled by the IRCC can’t do the medical exam for the Immigration Canada. The final decision about medical exam is made by the Immigration Canada officer and not by the Panel Physician.

Individuals can get their medical exams either before or after they apply for their visa.

  • Individuals can get their medical exams done before they apply. This is called an Upfront Medical which can be done for following visa applications:
    • Visit (including parent and grandparent super visa; a super visa allows individuals to visit their children and grandchildren for up to 2 years at a time. Super visa allows multiple entries to Canada for up to 10 years), or
    • Work, or 
    • Study in Canada, or
    • Express Entry Permanent Residence program. 
  • Individuals must get their medical exams done within 30 days after they 
    • Apply for Permanent Residence and receive instructions from Immigration Canada on how to get their medical exam done,
    • Make a refugee claim at a point of entry into Canada and being instructed by a border service officer to get a medical exam done.

A situation that happens frequently is when an individual has applied for a visitor visa, work or student visa and has got their medicals done. Months later that individual applies for a permanent residence visa and is asked again by Immigration Canada to do medicals. Given that previous medical exam has been valid for 12 months, visa applicant has two options:

  1. To call Immigration Canada and provide the unique identifier number associated with her previous medical case, as well as the unique identifier number of her new medical case; and then ask Immigration Canada officer to link the two medical cases together. Or
  2. To get and pay for a new medical exam specifically for the Permanent Residence application that Immigration Canada has asked for.

In first option, applicant saves the cost of getting another medical exam but has to reach out to the Immigration Canada client representatives and request linking two medical cases. Some clients still choose option 2, which is to get another medical exam despite incurring the cost of such exams, in order to avoid any risk of potential mistakes or delays through manually connecting (linking) the old and the new medical cases. Again, above situation is based on the assumption that the initial medical exam was done within 12 months of receiving instructions by Immigration Canada for another medical exam.

Why Choose Immigration Medical Centre?

Visitor, Student, Work, or Permanent Residence visa applicant must comply with all rules and regulations set by Immigration Canada. As demonstrated above and in our other blogs, many situations may arise that may significantly impact your medical exam results and as such impact your visa application. That’s why it is very important to choose a caring, experienced and knowledgeable medical team for your visa medical exam. At Immigration Medical Centre
located near border of Mississauga and Oakville, our team of experienced, knowledgeable and friendly medical staff are committed to serve and guide you step by step through your Visa medical exam. To reach us, please visit our website or call us at 416-822-3326.

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